Austin Food & Wine Festival
I spent my Sunday volunteering at the Austin Food & Wine Festival. Since it was a weekend-long event, and I wouldn't have been able to enjoy the entire span of it if I'd bought tickets due to work, I decided to volunteer on my day off. It was a really enjoyable experience. I got to watch a few cooking demos and eat great food/sample yummy wines. Here are a few pics I took while there. Roasting Pigs ļ»æ ļ»æ Cooking demo by Marcus Samuelsson ļ»æļ»æ Marcus Samuelsson Up Close I don't know why this photo keeps uploading sideways ;P Tidbits I learned: The reason unsalted butter>salted butter is because salt acts as a preservative so usually unsalted butter is fresher than salted. (I had always used unsalted because it was easier to control salt levels myself, plus, I like having one butter in the fridge for both cooking and baking) Save shrimp shells for making a really flavorful, layered ramen broth Gewurztraminer wines pair...