Homemade Pasta: Egg Pasta with Tomato Sauce and Meatballs and Spinach Pasta Chicken Alfredo

A few weekends ago, Reid and I went to a techniques class at Williams-Sonoma. Technique classes are basically free classes where they teach you...you guessed it...cooking or baking techniques. You should check one out at your local store: Williams-Sonoma technique classes . The one Reid and I attended was on how to make homemade pasta. The pasta dough recipes I'm posting here are from the handout they gave us. Williams-Sonoma Classic Fesh Egg Pasta Recipe and Williams-Sonoma Fresh Spinach Pasta . The Alfredo sauce recipe is from Food.com. Better than Olive Garden Alfredo Sauce Recipe . Did you know that Alfredo was a chef who created Alfredo sauce for his picky pregnant wife by tripling the butter and cream in a traditional pasta sauce? Thanks, Dinner Party Download ! Dinner Party Download is an awesome Podcast, and I highly recommend it to everyone. It starts with an ice breaker joke, has a drink inspired by histo...