Spicy Sriracha Chicken Wings

Reid and I aren't really into football. Even though Reid played football for a short stint in high school, he, as he says himself, found a much more comfortable position as a mathlete. I definitely followed the Longhorns when I was in school. It was an exciting time, I mean, we were the National Champions! Anyway, since we aren't really into football now, we only watch one game a year, the Super Bowl. We don't really have a favorite team, and we probably watch it most for the ability to talk about it the next day with people and to watch the commercials. Obviously, this post is way overdue! Last year we pre-ordered wings form Pluckers. They came about 4 hours later than the expected time and we were starving! So this year, I made wings at home. Found the recipe thanks to F&W's daily e-mail. It was soooooooo good. Spicy, sweet, salty and perfect balance of deliciousness. Spicy Sriracha Chicken Wings Recipe from Food a...