Fresh Peach Pie

We are sadly coming to an end of peach season here in Central Texas. I love a good, juicy, sweet, fresh peach. Reid and I actually have 2 peach trees in our front yard that my dad planted around 2008 that we have managed not to kill. Miracle! This year we got a really good harvest from them. Usually the birds or neighbors get to them before we do. So back around July (before I was forbidden to eat pie by my gestational diabetes nutritionist) we picked about 1-2 lbs. worth of fresh peaches form our tree. It was awesome. Until I broke out in a skin rash. (I must be allergic to the fine hairs or splinters on the peach tree) Our peaches are the small kind. I think they are some French peach variety. Real small and a bit firmer then what you'd find in Fredricksberg. I blanched, peeled, cut and pitted them. And made a pie. It was a time-consuming, but relaxing Sunday project. I do like to make my own pie crust i...