What I learned while on Whole 30

We celebrated Tet this year in Houston with my family and it was loads of fun and excitement for John. I made red longevity noodles for the first time and looked with forlorn envy as everyone ate my aunt's bun bo hue, I skipped out on my mom's homemade banh tet, and even bypassed my birthday cake. Ok, it was only 1/3 of my birthday cake. It was the 'February birthdays' birthday cake within my dad's family and I actually brought it so there was no surprise there. All this sacrifice and withholding is due to my new resolution to try a month-long elimination diet trial. You heard right, I'm attempting Whole30! But Christine, you freaking love grains, alcohol, added sugar, legumes and dairy! Why yes, I do, but for the sake of my continued health, and to see if there is a nutrition-related link with Bell's Palsy (every holistic health person tells me this), I'm going to do some self-experimentation. Let's see if cutting out sugar, grains, alcoho...