Kale and Poached Eggs

This was a super easy, throw-together-10-minutes-before-dinner, fridge left-overs kind of meal.  Reid was out-of-town, and it was difficult for me to put in the effort to make a usual dinner so I peaked in the fridge and found kale, eggs, and chicken broth.  Yay! A meal! I did a little googling and found a similar recipe on http://www.yumsugar.com/Spicy-Garlic-Kale-Poached-Eggs-30574463.  Most recipes poached the eggs separately, but why dirty another pot? I just poached the eggs over the kale.  It was a tasty, healthy and simple dinner!  Serve with some toast so you can sop up all that yummy egg yolk!

Kale and Poached Eggs

  • 2 cups kale, ribs removed and cut into 1/2" strips
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 c. chicken broth
  • 1 tbs. olive oil
  • 1 tbs. butter
  • 2 cloves garlic, sliced
  • 1 tsp. paprika, smoked if you have it
  • salt
  • 2 tsp. red pepper flakes


  1. Bring a large, straight-sided pan to medium-high heat; add olive oil and butter.
  2. Saute garlic and red pepper flakes until fragrant, about 1 min.
  3. Add kale and cook until just wilted
  4. Pour in chicken broth and add salt to taste.  Simmer over medium until all but about 1/4 c. of liquid remaining and kale soft, 8-10 minutes.
  5. Add egg and cover pan until eggs cooked, about 2-3 minutes
  6. Sprinkle paprika over eggs.  Enjoy!


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