Smoky Man n' Cheese

Made this mac n' cheese this week for dinner.  Let me tell you, I have probably tried 80 million recipes for homemade mac n' cheese! Most times, I'm a little disappointed that they don't seem to taste any better than the blue box versions that only take 15 minutes to make.  I've tried all sorts of mac n' cheese recipes that range from baked bread crumb topped, with expensive cheeses, having to make a beschemel, to truffle oil mac n' cheese.  I love a nice creamy, cheesy, mac n' cheese.  And this recipe hit the spot.  And since it's 'smoky' it adds just another layer of tastiness.  I think having the Savory Smoky Hills Cheese Powder helps a lot.  Savory Spice Shop is a little spice shop that we found out about two Christmas' ago.  One of Reid's uncles friends owns one of the shops in downtown Austin.  It's an artisinal spice shop, which is awesome.  Reid got a set of BBQ spice rubs for Christmas once and I still use them every once in a while.  When we checked out the store, I purchased this cheese powder to top popcorn with.  Used it all in a year, and came back for more, which is when I found out about this recipe.  I guess I love those cheese powders when it comes to mac n' cheese!  Maybe that's the key to creaminess...

Smoky Hills Mac’n Cheese

Yields: 4 servings

8 oz. elbow pasta
1/4 tsp. yellow mustard powder
2 Tbsp. butter

1/4 tsp. ground nutmeg
slice creamy cheese (Swiss or Laughing Cow)
1/2 Tbsp. smoked sweet Spanish paprika
2 Tbsp. shredded Grana Padano
1 x 8oz can evaporated milk*+ 1 tbs milk**
3 Tbsp. Savory Spice Shop Smoky Hills Cheese Powder
2 tsp. flour
Pinch salt
Dash pepper

*You can make your own evaporated milk by heating 16 ounces of 2% milk over low heat. Do not boil, but simmer slowly until it reduces down to about a 1/3 of its original amount.
**Taste the cheese sauce and add more milk depending on your preference for a creamier sauce

Cook pasta according to directions on package. In a small bowl, combine mustard powder, paprika, flour and nutmeg. Set aside. In a saucepan over medium/low heat, warm evaporated milk. Once warm, slowly whisk dry mixture into milk to prevent any clumps. Slowly incorporate cheese powders into the saucepan, whisking to prevent lumps. Add butter and chopped cheese and stir until melted. Drain pasta and thoroughly mix into cheese mixture. Heat through and serve.

Yields: 4 servings
Recipe modified from Savory Spice Shop: Stephanie Bullen, Savory Franchise Team employee


  1. Love all your posts, Teeny! They inspire me to cook! Keep it up and send samples!


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