Spinach Quiche

Last weekend I had my bachelorette weekend in Vegas and it was so fun. I think the best part was being able to see so many of my girl friends who live all over. My old roommate, Allegra, wrote me a card about some of the good times we had when we lived together and one of the things she mentioned was when I threw together a quiche with our leftovers. I had totally forgotten about that and it was such a sweet memory to remember. Anyway, it made me crave quiche and so I made this for lunch after work today. I don't know if it was because I was so hungry or because of some of the tweaks I made to my recipe, but it came out so pretty and yummy!  Also, if you want to make this quiche extra delicious, make Tartine's homemade pie crust**.  Reid will literally just eat the pie crust, it's so good!  It makes 2 pie crusts, so you can freeze one of them to make quiche another day.

Spinach Quiche

1 c milk with 2 tsp Greek yogurt mixed in, allow to set at room temp for 15 min*
4 eggs
2 tbs flour
1/2 c light mayonnaise
8 oz shredded Swiss cheese
1 package pre-washed spinach
1/2 chopped small onion
1 tsp garlic powder
1/2 tsp salt
1 pie shell**

1) Lightly flour 8" pie pan before placing pie dough in.
2) Sauté onions and spinach in large pan over med-high heat until spinach wilted.
3) Whisk together milk and yogurt, eggs, flour, and mayo in a large bowl.
4) Add remaining ingredients. Pour into pie crust.
5) Bake at 350* F for 45min to 1hr or until golden brown

*this is my shortcut for making creme fresh. The original recipe uses 1c half and half. I like it better this way and I feel less guilty about my calorie intake.

Adapted from Food Network Quick Quiche http://shar.es/ZcSDJ

**Pie crust recipe I use can be found at: http://www.alexandracooks.com/2009/08/17/quiche-perfected-homemade-creme-fraiche-a-little-trip-to-tartine-bouchon-napa/


  1. I love this post. It's my go-to Sunday morning breakfast for the family now.


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