Kitchen and Cooking Tips
I hate to call these kitchen 'hacks' because I've had failed tries of using internet famous internet 'hacks'. So these are just a few handy tips and tricks I've picked up over the years that I find handy and that actually work in streamlining cooking or kitchen organizing. Some of these tips I picked up from my mom. Some of them I picked up from roommates or friends. Some of them I found on the internet and found useful. sharpen your knife before each time you use it I picked this up from an old roommate of mine. He would sharpen (re-align) his knife before he used it every time. It only takes half a minute, but makes a world of difference. I mean, you get that stick thing sharpener in most knife blocks and sets anyway, so use it! I try and do 10 alternating strokes on each side of the knife. Also, contrary to what most beginners think, a sharp knife is much safer to use than a dull knife. use the back of a spoon to peel ginger ...